What people are saying about The Trauma Banquet.

Dr Russ Harris

Author of the international bestseller ‘The Happiness Trap’

Psychology professor Kenneth Pakenham has written a terrifying, heartbreaking, but ultimately triumphant narrative. As his memoir unfolds, Dr Pakenham reveals how he managed to come to terms with the horrific traumas of his past, and go on to build a rich and meaningful life. The strategies he uses are likely to be useful to just about anybody with a difficult past. A shocking, confronting, but transformative and inspiring read.

Anthony Venn-Brown 

Founder and CEO of Ambassadors & Bridge Builders International (ABBI)

Author of the bestseller 'A Life of Unlearning' 

Twice voted one of the 25 Most Influential Gay & Lesbian Australians

I highly recommend “The Trauma Banquet” not only as an intriguing read but also for the lessons one can gain. After all, who among us has never had to deal with some kind of trauma?

Andrew Duirs

Psychologist and Counselling Coordinator, University of Notre Dame, Australia

The book is speaking to me on many personal levels. I have been motivated by the courage and love that runs through it. I think it speaks well about the human condition. How we wound, bleed, rage and hide. And how it’s possible to find something of what we want when we turn to the stuff we so automatically recoil from. It is helping me be gentler with myself and with others and I’m then finding it a little easier to be me and to risk being me in ways more congruent with my internal experiences. 

Dr Ambra Giovannetti 

Psychologist, Psychotherapist, Milan, Italy

Gift! This is the word that describes what I felt while reading “The Trauma Banquet”. Thanks for showing your vulnerability, your strength, your limits, and your infinite resilience. Thanks for being a beautiful human being, thanks for being the concrete example that acceptance is not only made of words but it is a life journey. Thanks for every time you choose to disclose something in the service of your values of being authentic and helpful to others. Thanks, because by revealing the fragility behind the strength, you are living proof of the fact that life is enriched by the presence of both!

I feel so lucky to have met you on my path. Meeting you has changed my life and that of so many other people. I hope you can feel how much your life has been a "committed one". You not only squeeze each drop of life, you energize the lives of others by imbuing us with an authentic love for life. Once you experience this quality, you want to keep walking this trail.

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